WSUS CatelogVersion Mis-Match in ConfigMgr after Restore

After WSUS Database (SUSDB) restore, sometimes Software Updates will no longer install on clients. UpdatesDeployment.log will show “Total Actionable Updates = 0”You can also find missing updates based on WSUS Catalog:“Get-WmiObject -Query “Select * FROM CCM_UpdateStatus” -NameSpace “root\ccm\SoftwareUpdates\UpdatesStore” | where {$_.status -eq “Missing”} | Select Title, Status”It will show, lots of updates are missing. But SCCM agent won’t recognize these […]

How to create Web-App in Azure for Configuration Manager

This document provides information about “Azure Services” connector in Configuration Manager. To configure Azure Services in Configuration Manager, we need a Web-App for communication between Configuration Manager and Azure. Here is procedure to create a Web-App in Azure assuming you’ve Global Admin rights. Go to Azure Portal ( Search for “App Registrations” in top search bar Click on “New Registration” […]