“Configuration Manager Admin Console can’t connect to the Configuration Manager Site Server”

Sometimes, when we re-install or upgrade Configuration Manager Admin Console. It shows following error on console. Go to following location and open SmsAdminUI.logC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\AdminUILog\SmsAdminUI.log[6, PID:5544][######] :The performance counter ‘# exceptions’ was not found[6, PID:5544][ ######] :The performance counter ‘# exceptions’ was not found[6, PID:5544][ ######] :The performance counter ‘# result objects in memory’ was not found[6, PID:5544][ […]

Windows 10 Feature Update Installation Failing. Error-0xC190012E

Certain features of Windows 10 generate errors during installation. These errors codes could be 0xC190012A, 0xC190012D, 0xC190012E or 0xC190012F. These errors appear while you are directly trying to install feature update on client machine or deploying through ConfigMgr. Following scenario cover deployment of “Windows 10 Feature update” through ConfigMgr. Feature updates are deployed / distributed properly and downloaded on client […]

WSUS CatelogVersion Mis-Match in ConfigMgr after Restore

After WSUS Database (SUSDB) restore, sometimes Software Updates will no longer install on clients. UpdatesDeployment.log will show “Total Actionable Updates = 0”You can also find missing updates based on WSUS Catalog:“Get-WmiObject -Query “Select * FROM CCM_UpdateStatus” -NameSpace “root\ccm\SoftwareUpdates\UpdatesStore” | where {$_.status -eq “Missing”} | Select Title, Status”It will show, lots of updates are missing. But SCCM agent won’t recognize these […]